Wed, 6 Feb 2002
Today I was reminded of a screenshot taken a few years back. Yes, this really happened. Bonus points go to anyone who can tell me what window manager I was using at the time ;).
Personal Weblog 0.9.9
Wed, 6 Feb 2002
A minor bug introduced in version 0.9.8 has been fixed. The bug prevented returning to the front page with the "back" link on the control bar. Since there are no other changes you can upgrade by replacing your file with the new version. No other changes are necessary.
Personal Weblog 0.9.8
Sat, 2 Feb 2002
This release tidies up some minor bugs in 0.9.7 and adds some chunky new features.. In addition there is now a mailing list for discussing Personal Weblog issues. more...
Personal Weblog 0.9.7
Sun, 13 Jan 2002 available. I'm looking to stamp a V1 release sometime in the near future. If you come across any bugs or wackiness in the weblog please let me know so I can ensure it works well in all environments and configurations. Thanks! more...