Personal Weblog 0.9.7
Sun, 13 Jan 2002 available. I'm looking to stamp a V1 release sometime in the near future. If you come across any bugs or wackiness in the weblog please let me know so I can ensure it works well in all environments and configurations. Thanks! more...
Personal Weblog 0.9.6
Sun, 2 Dec 2001
A big thanks goes to David Scribner for his effort in creating the new icons used in this release. more...
Personal Weblog 0.9.5
Mon, 8 Oct 2001
The "Happy Birthday!" release ;). more...
Personal Weblog 0.9.4
Sun, 15 Jul 2001
The "So Easy Even Your Pets Can Do It" release. Many changes have been made making the script easier to install and more tolerant of wacky PHP configurations. Things like "register_globals", copious error logging and even Windows no longer faze the script. As a bonus you can now adjust the timezone used for timestamps. more...